To position Southeast Colorado to compete for economic development opportunities by strengthening the transportation infrastructure to support the effective, efficient and safe movement of people and goods.
In 1991, Colorado's General Assembly enacted legislation directing that transportation planning is to occur as a cooperative process:
"...the General Assembly recognizes the Department of Transportation as the proper body, in cooperation with regional planning commissions and local government officials, for developing and maintaining the state transportation planning process and the state transportation plan." §43-1-1101 Colorado Revised Statutes
With policy direction provided at the statewide level through the Colorado Transportation Commission, regional planning commissions prepare regional transportation plans identifying and prioritizing their long-range transportation needs for all modes. These regional plans and priorities are integrated and consolidated into the state's 20 year multi-modal plan, which serves as the blueprint for how transportation resources are invested and projects are selected for implementation.
- To strengthen the economic viability of the region.
- To maintain the regions agricultural base economy through development of transportation infrastructure.
- To enhance tourism and recreational opportunities for residents and visitors to the region through development of transportation infrastructure.
- To develop multi-modal transportation options to improve mobility and support economic development.
- To improve east-west linkages to connect the region to its markets in Colorado and Kansas and other areas of the country. To create better north-south linkages to access markets in Canada and Mexico.
- To improve air, rail, intercity bus, public transit and bikeway facilities and services throughout the region, in addition to highways.